Create your CMSA Portal account


With a portal account you can...

  • Candidates
    Apply for CMSA Examinations
  • Members
    Link your profile to your CMSA membership account
  • Examiners
    View your examiner roles and history

Create a profile to apply for Exams

In order to apply for one of the CMSA Examinations you will need a profile on The CMSA Portal with your contact details and other information. Once logged into this profile you can begin the examinations application process.

Create a profile to link to your membership account

If you are a member of The CMSA, you will soon be able to view your membership profile from this portal. You can already create an account to link to your membership account and update your contact details here. When additional functionality is added, you will be able to view member-specific content, view and download membership history and detail and make payments via this portal.

Create a profile to view your Examiner Status

If you are an examiner for The CMSA, you will soon be able to view your examiner profile from this portal. You can already create an account to link to your examiner profile and update your contact details here. When additional functionality is added, you will be able to view examiner-specific content, respond to examiner invitations, view and download examiner history and detail via this portal.

We need your identifying information

If you have interacted with The CMSA in the past, it is quite possible we already have a profile or some information you have shared with us in the past. Supplying your First Names and Surname helps us ensure we aren't duplicating any data in our system and enables us to offer you a better service.

We need your primary Email to contact you

Your primary e-mail address will be your login id and also the means by which we send you verification and reset links or contact you with respect to profile information or any alerts related to your account. By supplying us with this address you agree to be contacted in this regard.

It is critical that our mail server is able to e-mail you on this address so please report any problems with delivery.

We need your an alternative contact

Your mobile number is an important backup contact and messaging alternative to your primary e-mail address. If you enter your e-mail address incorrectly or we have trouble contacting you on that address the mobile number is an alternative. In addition, we can send you important one time passwords and alerts via your mobile device.

It is critical that our SMS server is able to text you on this number so please report any problems with delivery.

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© 2000- The Colleges of Medicine of South Africa.
All rights reserved.

Examination Contact Information

  • Mrs Yolokazi Kanzi, Academic Registrar
  • The Colleges of Medicine of South Africa
  • Private Bag X23, Braamfontein, 2017
  • Tel: +27 (0)11 726 7037
  • Email: