Validate Profile


Reset Profile

  • Validate Email
    Enter an email address to generate a validation link which you can follow to confirm we can contact you on this address.
  • Reset Password
    Forgotten password? Check the reset box to add a password reset command so you can use the generated link to reset your password as well.
Email address of Profile

Enter the primary e-mail address of the profile you wish to validate/ reset. A validation/reset link will be sent to this e-mail address with a link that must be followed to complete the validation/reset process.

Is password reset required?

If checked, the link generated will allow you to reset your password. If unchecked, the link will only validate your email. If you remember/ know your password you can leave this unchecked.

Submitting reset request... Cancelling...
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All rights reserved.

Examination Contact Information

  • Mrs Yolokazi Kanzi, Academic Registrar
  • The Colleges of Medicine of South Africa
  • Private Bag X23, Braamfontein, 2017
  • Tel: +27 (0)11 726 7037
  • Email: